Who We Are

Bestside Connection was founded with creative professionals in mind. Our goal is to provide accessible services to support overall mental and emotional well-being for the individuals working tirelessly to create spaces and experiences of enjoyment for others, while their own needs often go overlooked.

We understand feeling the pressure of being “on” while trying to cope with personal struggles from heartache, addiction, grief and loss, or just a bad day!

We get it, and we got you! We believe that everyone has the power to live the life they want, and that they’re not meant to do it alone!

Let us help you connect (or reconnect) with your Best Side, while creating and maintaining meaningful connection to others.

  • Stacy Rauch, MA, LPCC; Founder & Owner.

    I am a Licensed Clinical Counselor and Certified Trauma Professional from San Diego, California, with a background spanning dance and entertainment, animal care, and the mental health field. I hold additional certifications in leadership, and trauma, and am passionate about making quality, mental health care from a relatable professional, accessible to those in the entertainment and touring industry.

    I approach therapy from the belief that all behavior is a choice (conscious or not) made to meet one of our basic human needs. We are responsible for our choices, which means yeah, it might get uncomfortable facing that truth, but with that responsibility comes hope, personal control, and the power to change!

    In our work together, I will use evidence-based therapeutic practices mixed with dry humor, gentle confrontation, and occasional swearing, to help you gain insight, and clarity while creating a balance between following your passion and nurturing the most important connections in your life- including that to yourself.

    *Stacy currently serves individuals, couples, and groups, offers workshops in topics including communication, leadership, parenting, and more; and heads the on-site event collective.

  • Lara Touckly (she/her), MA, LPCC #7997

    I am a curious, authentic, and a very human therapist. I love working with people who want to do the work. I use humor, prioritize connecting with clients, and use a trauma-informed approach to see the world through the client’s eyes. I am here to provide a safe space that will foster vulnerability and growth. Therapy is so hard sometimes. I am here to make that pill a little easier to swallow. We fall into times where we feel stuck, don't have sufficient self-love, or just have run out of hope. I am here to support you in getting unstuck, changing your perspective, increasing your self-love, and remind you that there is hope. Just because we don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, it doesn't mean it's not there.

    I use my intuition in integrating evidence-based interventions. A big part of therapy is the relationship— so here’s a little about me.

    I sometimes cuss, because sometimes life just fucking sucks.

    I’m not as funny as I think I am (and that doesn’t stop me).

    I am so human, it’s not even funny.

    I am genuine, and have a pretty bad poker face.

    I am here to empower you, instill hope, and help you persevere through. So let's fucking go.

    *Lara is part of the onsite events collective

  • Kristopher Hall, PhD

    I am a counselor educator who has been in mental health since 2008, and a practicing coach focused on interpersonal dynamics and individual growth. After graduating from the coaching program at USD, I went to work with clients at Harvard, INSEAD business school, and the local San Diego community. I am also trained in mediation by the NCRC and ready to assist clients in conflict resolution.

    I took up DJing a few years back and last year took on a small local residency.

    *Kristopher is part of the on-site events team and offers coaching services; not currently accepting new clients for therapy.

Connect with us.

Ready to make the choice to reconnect with yourself? Or have a team or event that could use support? Reach out and request a FREE consultation. We will get back to you within 24 hours.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911. If you're in crisis & need immediate support: dial 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741.